2008/12/24 David Gerard <dger...@gmail.com>:
> 2008/12/24 Ray Saintonge <sainto...@telus.net>:
>> Yes. A threat to a competitor's own self-interests can be a great
>> motivator to promote Wikipedia's low image.  It's comparable to the oil
>> industry's perception of global warming.
> It's worked for Britannica and Brockhaus! Oh, wait.
Brockhaus never really tried and Britannica is pretty half hearted to
the point there not even really the go to people when the media want
an anti-wikipedia comment any more. No academic publishing has a
highly profitable business model and one they will fight much harder
to defend than anyone we've previously run up against. However we
cannot meaningfully disrupt their business model (We do not have the
strength in the academic world to push open access journals
significantly and the wider public is irrelevant to them).


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