On Dec 28, 2008, at 3:27 PM, wjhon...@aol.com wrote:

> The sole useful alternative view, would be that *both* report and
> counter-report are secondary sources.
> The simple fact that a person is speaking about their own work,  
> doesn't  make
> their words primary for that, it depends on the context in which  
> they are
> speaking.
> I.E. You can't have your cake and eat it too.

For the most part, we'd treat anything by Person X as a primary source  
for [[Person X]]. I mean, if we want to make an explicit exception for  
a category, that's fine, but right now, nothing I can see in NOR even  
slightly undermines the idea that an article by Person X is a primary  
source for [[Person X]].


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