On Sun, Dec 28, 2008 at 9:29 PM, Ken Arromdee <arrom...@rahul.net> wrote:
> On Sun, 28 Dec 2008, Carcharoth wrote:
>> Can't see the word spoiler in the subject line here...
> No, it's about a rule abuse which combines the status quo rule with the need
> for consensus to make changes: you're not supposed to make a change for which
> there is no consensus, but if you manage to do so anyway, everyone's stuck 
> with
> it since there's also no consensus for changing it back.
> I pointed out that this particular abuse was used to remove spoiler warnings
> too.

Yes, and I was pointing out that David and others should stick to the
topic of the thread. As you said, you did (just), but then my post
wasn't in reply to your post. It was a reply to David's post. I go as
off-topic as anyone, but I've seen what happens when threads get
hijacked to discussing spoilers...


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