On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 7:50 PM, Jay Litwyn <brewh...@edmc.net> wrote:
That's the description of the license on the software from
http://www.fractint.org/ (requires a FAT32 partition under Windows XP, BTW.
You might need another hard drive or a partition resizer to save anything
from it).

The only things that are copyrighted CC-by-SA are things which are explicitly licensed as CC-by-SA or whose licenses allow relicensing into something like CC-by-SA.
That description allows neither. You're overthinking this.

The following text is probably not as cogent or understandable as just
getting the software, opening a DOS window, and entering DEMO or FRACTINT,
then pressing F1 when you want to know what the other keys do.



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