On Sun, Aug 23, 2009 at 2:02 AM, Carcharoth<carcharot...@googlemail.com> wrote:


> Now I'm off to dump all this on "Vienne (disambiguation)" and then
> I'll go and moan at WikiProject Disambiguation about how one can't be
> expected go through all the 500+ links pointing at "Vienne" to see if
> any should be pointing to the rivers or people or city or the other
> stuff. Hopefully someone there will give tips on how to filter out the
> links from templates, otherwise I may just have to link "Vienne" from
> the templates using some hacked-together redirect, wait for "what
> links here" to update, and then sort out what is left.


Not sure whether to include all the "of Vienne" or "de Vienne" or not.

Need to add the small towns and cities from the French disambiguation page.

Hmm. My SUL (global account) didn't work on the French Wikipedia,
because someone there already had my name. I haven't got round to
creating an account there. Could someone add an interwiki link from
there to the page I just created? Thanks.


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