2009/12/5 altally <altal...@googlemail.com>:
> On Sat, Dec 5, 2009 at 11:35 AM, David Gerard <dger...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> I'd like to work out some way of advocating the "missing article"
>> lists to potential new contributors. On en:wp:
>> http://enwp.org/WP:WANTED
>> http://enwp.org/WP:MISSING
>> I've been writing new stub articles just from those in the past couple
>> of days. It reminds me of how and why I got hooked on writing an
>> encyclopedia.

> I personally think we are at the stage where we should be spending time
> improving what we have, rather than creating more work. We aren't low on
> articles.

I'm working on the theory that "volunteers will work hard at whatever
they damn well feel like." This is one way to get n00bs in, and
doesn't preclude other approaches.

And we have lots of articles, but there are plenty of areas in dire
need of improvement. We didn't have [[euphonicon]] until I wrote it
yesterday. (Using book references - specifically, the Amazon scans!)
Music in particular is sadly lacking beyond relatively recent popular
music. We continue to have terrible systemic bias, as documented in
the Guardian recently.

Summary: there's still a lot of encyclopedia to go.

- d.

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