On 15 April 2013 16:43, Hex . <h...@downlode.org> wrote:
> On 14 April 2013 14:29, David Gerard <dger...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> Pretty much everything that's fucked up about Wikipedia is emergent
>> behaviour of people being a problem

> I think you mean "failure of management".

No, I think I mean what I wrote, which in the version of the email
you're responding to that *isn't* quote-mined reads:

There is no such thing as rescue by magic, and berating
someone for failing to do the impossible strikes me as pointless.
Pretty much everything that's fucked up about Wikipedia is emergent
behaviour of people being a problem, and top-down magic can't possibly
scale to fix that. It can cripple it, though.

Quote-mining is odious. Don't do it.

- d.

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