Hi Maria,

Thanks for linking again to this data-oriented report. I think it would be
very interesting to focus this training on best practices, what works and
what not - given the vast variety of cultures. I also hope to go beyond the
focus of grants, but it might be a starting point for some of the
information to prepare.

Going back to the original question, at this point I think the primary
questions lie around whether and how such a training can be set up - I
think for example that the additional angles from the new countries could
proof valuable.


On Fri, Nov 7, 2014 at 4:00 PM, Maria Cruz <mc...@wikimedia.org> wrote:

> (Sorry for the previous email, accidentally clicked sent.)
> Hi Lodewijk,
> This initiative is very interesting. At the Learning and Evaluation team
> we always look forward to capture the learning processes that take place
> within the movement, and share that knowledge as much as possible. I want
> to offer support in this initiative to anyone who joins this effort: do
> reach out and tell me how we can best help you. I have now added the
> project on Commons to my watchlist and will follow up with news there.
> At this point, I also wanted to share in this thread the information we
> already have about WLM, which includes key lessons learned. The Evaluation
> Report (beta)* [1] *was the first outlet produced by our team about the
> most common Wikimedia programs. You can see the specific report for WLM
> here:
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Grants:Evaluation/Evaluation_reports/2013/WLM
> This report was possible thanks to the I Round of Data Collection, a
> period in which program leaders all over the world can join voluntary
> program reporting and submit their data on Wikimedia programs. Right now,
> we are going through II Round of Data Collection *[2]*, and obviously, we
> are looking for data! Anyone can submit their data on WLM 2013 and WLM
> 2014. Questions or comments can be directed to me. With this second round,
> we want to improve the first report, expand it and make it better.
> Hopefully, it will also help inform the training you are looking forward to
> have.
> Why are we looking for program data? It helps us understand how programs
> work, how much effort they take, and what results they bring to the
> movement at large. Most importantly, it gives us leads on potential for
> further development of programs, ways to innovate, try things that haven't
> been done before.
> As always, I am here to help. Reach out with questions and comments!
> Thanks,
> *MarĂ­a Cruz * \\  Community Coordinator, PE&D Team \\ Wikimedia
> Foundation, Inc.
> mc...@wikimedia.org  |  :  @marianarra_ <https://twitter.com/marianarra_>
> Links:
> *[1] Evaluation Report (beta):*
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Grants:Evaluation/Evaluation_reports/2013
> *[2] II Round of Data Collection:*
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Grants:Evaluation/News/Round_II_Announcement
> On Fri, Nov 7, 2014 at 9:08 AM, Zana Strkovska <777.z...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Lodewijk,
>> I signed myself as willing to help, and I wrote a note in "Target group".
>> I have more idea on how to help, but wanted to see how this initial idea
>> will be accepted from the others.
>> Username: Violetova
>> Regards,
>> Zana
>> 2014-11-06 23:20 GMT+01:00 Lodewijk <lodew...@effeietsanders.org>:
>>> Hi all,
>>> This is a quite early stage idea, so please don't shout me down for not
>>> having specifics yet :)
>>> Looking back at the past few years of Wiki Loves Monuments, Wiki Loves
>>> Earth and now also Wiki Loves Africa (all built upon the same philosophy
>>> <https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Commons:Wiki_Loves_Monuments/Philosophy>),
>>> it stroke me that there is so much being learned in different countries,
>>> but that we are not always effectively sharing that among ourselves. Even
>>> if we share, it doesn't seem that the best practices make it actually to
>>> the implementation - I think there's room for improvement here, and that
>>> this could increase the outcomes (in many different ways) and reduce the
>>> costs (especially in volunteer organizing time).
>>> In the first year that we organized the competition on a global scale,
>>> we had a very effective meeting (May 2011
>>> <https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Commons:Wiki_Loves_Monuments_2011/May_Meeting>)
>>> with a bunch of people from countries that indicated they wanted to
>>> organize WLM later that year. Although much was to be improved, it helped
>>> to build an effective network of people helping each other to organize
>>> effective competitions - sharing skills, tools and inspiration. The
>>> discussions there were in my opinion a major component in the success of
>>> the competitions in 2011 and 2012 (in 2012 we also had a shorter meeting in
>>> Amsterdam).
>>> At the same time we have seen the many challenges to get together an
>>> effective international team. While I want to applaud the wonderful work
>>> done by volunteers nationally and internationally, I had the impression
>>> that both at Wiki Loves Earth and later at Wiki Loves Monuments, a better
>>> international coordination could have helped the competition.
>>> I would like you to ponder a bit with me, and think whether it would be
>>> useful to organize again a training meeting for a variety of organizers
>>> around the world, where skills and experiences can be transferred, best
>>> practices can be shared, the network of organizers internationally can be
>>> strengthened and the international coordination can be given a push in the
>>> beginning.
>>> First of all, please think whether this would be a good idea, and if so
>>> what should be the goals, realistic outcomes and what kind of organizers
>>> should be joining definitely. After that, we can draft up the budget, the
>>> pro's and con's and consider whether this would be a wise investment of our
>>> time and money. Don't worry just yet if it is realistic to request the
>>> money etc - that is a separate discussion.
>>> My initial attitude is positive yet somewhat critical (I know it's going
>>> to be expensive, but I think if there is enough support, it could be worth
>>> it) and I very much look forward to your thoughts. Your input would be
>>> highly valued on this page
>>> <https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Commons:Wiki_Loves_Monuments_2015/Training>
>>>  on
>>> Wikimedia Commons.
>>> Looking forward to your very valuable thoughts,
>>> Lodewijk
>>> PS: I am very happy to help organize such a training to help future
>>> competitions, but please don't think I will join the international team
>>> again :) Just want to be realistic.
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