Nicely put!
On 1 Apr 2014 22:29, "Amy Vossbrinck" <> wrote:

> Hello All:
> I have been following this thread with great interest and a kind of deeply
> appreciative fascination.
> First to say that I am relatively new to WMF - having been on board for
> just a bit over a year.  Previously the jobs that I had pretty much covered
> the entire waterfront:
> Summer jobs in high school
> Jobs while in college (didn't we all do that!)
> 4 years in a combination of corporations and small businesses
> 17 years as a volunteer as I raised my two sons
> 17 years in non-profits (helping to found 3 of them)
> 2 years in county government
> 2 years as a scheduler for a Presidential campaign
> and most recently, just before I came here,  6 years as a scheduler for a
> US Congressman.
> "She must be 'old as dirt" you are thinking - well not just yet - and among
> other things that set WMF apart - they do not discriminate on the basis of
> age :-) :-) :-)
> WMF is unique in so many ways from all the other places I have worked, just
> to name a few:
> Basic operating manual:  Assume good faith!  Look for the truth!  Express
> your views in an unbiased way!  (a slight rewording of the "rules" for
> editing).
> Everything is discussed in the open.
> Everyone is welcome to express their opinion.
> The leadership (all the way to the "top") openly apologizes when mistakes
> are made.
> Rather than "dig in" and insist on continuing processes that don't work,
> people at WMF put their heads together and look for a different solution.
>  Much like the point in the movie "Apollo 13" when they discover that the
> air in the stranded capsule is slowly killing the astronauts.  The team is
> told to bring everything to a meeting that the astronauts have available
> inside the capsule.  They all come into the room shouting and pointing
> fingers at each other in an effort to lay blame regarding what went wrong.
>  At some point Ed Harris, who plays the White Team Flight Director, yells,
> "Let's just work the problem!"  WMF is good at "working the problem".
> When I reflect on the above, I ask, "what if the entire world worked this
> way, or even half the world, or even just enough people to get us to the
> tipping point.  It would be powerful stuff.
> I don't intend to imply that we are looking at perfect - but then, life is
> not about perfection of action (we are after all human), it is about
> perfection of intention which is not that from "assume good faith."
> Take good care, Amy
> --
> *Amy Vossbrinck*
> *Executive Assistant to the*
> *Chief of Finance and Administration, Garfield Byrd*
> *Wikimedia Foundation*
> *149 New Montgomery Street*
> *San Francisco, CA 94105*
> *415.839.6885  ext 6628*
> * <>*
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