Todd is correct, and the WMF operate out of the US and are not subject 
to other nation’s laws regarding content for the most part. Also, all entries 
should be blue-linked, else they must be in compliance with LISTN and V. For 
the rest, a inline citation is not required. 
> On May 25, 2018, at 3:21 PM, Yaroslav Blanter <> wrote:
> Whereas I absolutely agree with Todd, let me note that in the list many
> entries are unsourced or poorly sourced and can not be there according to
> the policies.
> Cheers
> Yaroslav
> On Fri, May 25, 2018 at 8:55 PM, Todd Allen <> wrote:
>> We should no more follow French censorship laws than we should follow
>> Turkish ones. All editors are responsible for compliance with the laws in
>> their jurisdiction.
>> Todd
>> On Fri, May 25, 2018, 12:53 PM sashi <> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I am writing to ask if there are any plans to render the English
>>> Wikipedia compliant with French privacy laws.  Currently, if a French
>>> high school student goes to a French library, reserves a computer, and
>>> types "List of French Jews" into Google, Duckduckgo, or Dogpile, an
>>> adhoc en.wikipedia list of over 850 people (approximately half of them
>>> living) appears in the #2 position (Category: French Jews). In the first
>>> position is the English Wikipedia page "List of French Jews" containing
>>> the following text, originally added in 2010, showing that the
>>> en.wikipedia community is aware that they are breaking French law:
>>> "The French nationality law itself, strongly secular, forbids any
>>> statistics or lists based on ethnic or religious membership."
>>> A French person tagging biographies of living people in en.wp with the
>>> category "French Jews" is a violation of French privacy law which would
>>> expose the Wikipedian to a penalty of €300,000 and/or 5 years
>> imprisonment:
>>> "Le fait, hors les cas prévus par la loi, de mettre ou de conserver en
>>> mémoire informatisée, sans le consentement exprès de l’intéressé, des
>>> données à caractère personnel qui, directement ou indirectement, font
>>> apparaître les origines raciales ou ethniques, les opinions politiques,
>>> philosophiques ou religieuses, ou les appartenances syndicales des
>>> personnes, ou qui sont relatives à la santé ou à l’orientation ou à
>>> l'identité sexuelle de celles-ci, est puni de cinq ans d’emprisonnement
>>> et de 300 000 € d’amende." (source:
>>> )
>>> There is, to the best of my knowledge, no such category on fr.wp, as
>>> people in France are well aware of the law.
>>> See also "List of West European Jews" / Category: French People of
>>> Jewish descent / Category: French People of Arab descent / Category:
>>> French Freemasons (167), Category: French Atheists (93 including a
>>> recent president), etc.
>>> I noticed in researching the question that the Category "French rapists"
>>> (2 BLP) is associated with the hidden category "No indexed", whereas the
>>> category "French Jews" (100s of BLP) is associated with the hidden
>>> category: "categories requiring diffusion".  As a temporary measure (to
>>> avoid actively feeding this info into search engines), perhaps
>>> categories related to racial/ethnic origins, religious & philosophical
>>> opinions could be tagged "No indexed" rather than "requiring diffusion"?
>>> The WMF hosts their servers in the US, the Netherlands and will soon
>>> also be hosting off-shore in Singapore, which probably leads WMF legal
>>> to believe that this grants them immunity from French privacy laws.
>>> Nevertheless, I thought I would mention that this is a potentially
>>> significant problem going forward.  Discussion leading to action
>>> correcting this potential avenue of abuse might help the WMF to avoid
>>> litigation, given that the current policies on English Wikipedia
>>> actively facilitate violation of French laws.
>>> (data from French Christians (21 members), French
>>> Hindus (17 members), French Buddhists (9 members), French Muslims (0
>>> members), French Jews (862 members).
>>> Thank you for your time considering how best to address this problem.
>>> sashi
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