Завтра постараюсь перевести на русский и татарский текст 

Есть задумка использовать пас Джимми также и для того, чтобы помочь коллегам в 
Турции (и имеющаяся огневая поддержка крупнокалиберных «RT на русском» и 
«Российской Газеты» плюс татарстанских телеканалов нам в помощь). Турецкие 
коллеги письменно попросили о помощи, коммуникационный отдел Фонда Викимедиа 
идею поддержал.

Далее переписка со специалистом Фонда и подтверждение коллег, что они уже 
переводят запись в блоге на турецкий (чтобы задать контекст для дальнейших 

с уважением,

-------- Пересылаемое сообщение--------
27.07.2018, 00:53, "Basak" <hbasa...@gmail.com>:

Working on Turkish translation !


2018-07-27 0:14 GMT+03:00 Samir Elsharbaty <selsharb...@wikimedia.org>:
> Kodus to both you and Basak. Indeed, these translations are helpful and 
> publications about Wikipedia in Turkish could have a good impact!
> Samir Elsharbaty
> Communications|Wikimedia Foundation
> On Thu, Jul 26, 2018 at 10:22 PM Фархад Фаткуллин / Farkhad Fatkullin 
> <f...@yandex.com> wrote:
>> Dear Samir,
>> I will provide you with Tatar and Russian tomorrow.
>> Thus three of my languages (English included) would be enough, unless my 
>> dear friend User:Basak of Turkey will find a version in my beloved Turkish 
>> would be of help in to pull through what we are colluding in separately.
>> FYI: Some experiences I described below help me to use media fallout caused 
>> by Jimmy's surprise pass (announcing me as the Wikimedian of the Year) to 
>> transform Russia's citizens' perception of Wikipedia and contributing 
>> thereto - one of the interviews I gave in Russian now has over a million 
>> likes on Facebook, and the journalist and this Federal Media Company 
>> leadership agreed to publish one-two more articles about how Russia's 
>> various Turkic minorities are benefiting from Wikipedia. Basak & I are 
>> conspiring to use Jimmy's pass to score some points not in Turkey as well.
>> regards,
>> Farhad
>> --
>> Farkhad Fatkullin - Фархад Фаткуллин http://sikzn.ru/ Тел.+79274158066 / 
>> skype:frhdkazan / Wikipedia:frhdkazan
>> 26.07.2018, 20:33, "Samir Elsharbaty" <selsharb...@wikimedia.org>:
>>> Farkhad, do you want to get the post translated to Tatar? We would love to 
>>> publish it in your language if that's possible.
>>> On Thu, Jul 26, 2018, 6:08 PM Samir Elsharbaty <selsharb...@wikimedia.org> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hey Farkhad,
>>>> This is now live: 
>>>> https://blog.wikimedia.org/2018/07/26/farkhad-fatkullin-wikimedian-of-the-year/
>>>> Thanks for your helpful response and congratulations again for that big 
>>>> achievement!! It was a pleasure talking to you!
>>>> Best,
>>>> Samir
>>>> Samir Elsharbaty
>>>> Communications|Wikimedia Foundation
>>>> On Wed, Jul 25, 2018 at 2:03 AM Фархад Фаткуллин / Farkhad Fatkullin 
>>>> <f...@yandex.com> wrote:
>>>>> Samir,
>>>>> It's been two days since I was announced Wikimedian of the Year & frankly 
>>>>> I can only guess what that really means. I didn't even have time to look 
>>>>> it up yet, being torn apart between intensive work & all the media 
>>>>> attention, getting to do only minimal daily Wiki-involvement functions 
>>>>> (Potd, Motd & Calendar on the Main Page), things around the house & 
>>>>> family responsibilities, and thus not much sleep.
>>>>> I guess I'll start reading things tomorrow or Thursday, as I'm being 
>>>>> flooded with questions from TV, newspapers, radio, both local and 
>>>>> national, got even invited to the formal meeting @ the regional 
>>>>> government, as well as to attend an international youth educational forum 
>>>>> as one of the speakers at the panel with Republic of Tatarstan President 
>>>>> (my home region, the only one to have its governor keeping the title of 
>>>>> the President). My wife told me she was also flooded by more TV & other 
>>>>> interview requests from all over.
>>>>>>  I wonder if you can give me a few lines explaining your interest in 
>>>>>> developing Wikimedia communities and your story with the movement in 
>>>>>> general, like when you started, what challenges have you met and what 
>>>>>> motivates you to keep contributing, or any other thoughts that you would 
>>>>>> like to share with the blog audience.
>>>>>>> It doesn't need to be a long essay. A few lines can do the job. I will 
>>>>>>> use some parts of what you share with me as quotes in my post.
>>>>> I am a professional conference interpreter & I discovered and started to 
>>>>> appreciate Wiki thanks to its interlanguage links (a quick way to get the 
>>>>> proper term for a concept used by native speakers of the language).
>>>>> I discovered Tatar Wikipedia as an interested read & thus helpful tool in 
>>>>> keeping & improving own language skill in my mother tongue, because I'm 
>>>>> not consuming much neither written news, pop music nor TV & we don't have 
>>>>> a purely news/talk radio which I could enjoy listening to.
>>>>> For many years I benefited from U.S. Congress funded Radio Free Europe / 
>>>>> Radio Liberty's Tatar-Bashkir Service, but once (when listening to it 
>>>>> from U.S. in early 2008) I realized political bias and skewed topic 
>>>>> selection in their programming & articles, so we parted & I started 
>>>>> looking for another medium to help me keep & improve my Tatar.
>>>>> My first edits were around Christmas time back in 2009 (I played with it 
>>>>> for about two weeks), coming back for good in February/March of 2012. I 
>>>>> felt in love with Tatar Wikipedia (which is still predominantly 
>>>>> underdevelopped, despite all the progress since then) because of the 
>>>>> diversity of topics that I could read about. That was something fresh & 
>>>>> exciting.
>>>>> My infrastructural work in Tatar Wikipedia (translating guidelines, help 
>>>>> pages, etc.) started in 2014 when I started being persecuted by our 
>>>>> Bureaucrat who was confident that Wikimedia founding principles & Five 
>>>>> Pillars do not apply to Tatar Wikipedia, and the project is a place for 
>>>>> pure Tatar ethnic POV. In early 2015, serving my longest (month long) ban 
>>>>> from ttWP I started translating on Meta, & with a help of a self-exiled 
>>>>> Russian Metapedian there (Paul Kaganer, Member of Wikimedia Russia 
>>>>> volunteers) discovered out Wikimedia Russia community & their events.
>>>>> My main work since then is around supporting 
>>>>> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikipedias_in_the_languages_of_Russia  
>>>>> community, which became real for me at 2015 Wiki-Sabantuy conference in 
>>>>> the city of Ufa, capital of neighboring Republic of Bashkortostan.
>>>>> https://ru.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=%D0%92%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%B8-%D0%A1%D0%B0%D0%B1%D0%B0%D0%BD%D1%82%D1%83%D0%B9_2015/%D0%9C%D0%B5%D0%B6%D0%B4%D1%83%D0%BD%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B4%D0%BD%D0%B0%D1%8F_%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%BD%D1%84%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%BD%D1%86%D0%B8%D1%8F_%C2%AB%D0%92%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%B8%D0%BF%D0%B5%D0%B4%D0%B8%D1%8F_%D0%B8_%D0%B8%D0%BD%D1%84%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%BC%D0%B0%D1%86%D0%B8%D0%BE%D0%BD%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B5_%D0%BE%D0%B1%D1%89%D0%B5%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B2%D0%BE%C2%BB/en
>>>>> Since then we started penetrating into Wikimedia Russia mailing list, 
>>>>> then made WMRU-wiki multilingual, also created a Russian-speaking 
>>>>> Wikimedia Languages of Russia Community Facebook group, where we re-post 
>>>>> news from our separate specific language-oriented groups (in Russian or 
>>>>> accompanied with a translation into this ex-Soviet Union & Warsaw Pact 
>>>>> Countries Wide regional lingua-franca), as well as those I find and 
>>>>> translate from Wikimedia sources in English, French, Turkish, Italian & 
>>>>> some others which I also manage to understand. Somewhere along the way 
>>>>> Russian Wikinews is helping us with giving us a chance to publish 
>>>>> bi-tri-& multilingual news articles in their space as well.
>>>>> Sometime before attending 2017 Wikimania @ Montreal, we thought that a 
>>>>> reverse interaction could also be benefitial (actually encouraged by Amir 
>>>>> Aharoni, who reads Wikimedia Russia mailing list), which is why some 
>>>>> started to notice my posts about what Russia's multilingual Wikimedia 
>>>>> Community is doing @ Wikipedia Weekly and other places, as well as in 
>>>>> some lists.
>>>>> Our next undertaking is to set up a 
>>>>> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Languages_of_Russia_Community_User_Group
>>>>>  (still brewing on format specifics), Wikimedia Russia's local legal 
>>>>> status related requirements make membership very challenging & because 
>>>>> language-specific, especially minority language, needs are very different 
>>>>> than tasks dealt with by a national chapter.
>>>>> I dearly love all the languages I speak & I learned to cherish those I 
>>>>> don't, so main motivating factor for my continuing participation in the 
>>>>> Wiki-movement is the preserving the cultural heritage, created by 
>>>>> innumerous generations of human beings, which is documented in languages 
>>>>> - themselves the product of human emotions, feelings, experiences, 
>>>>> thought... In this sense, 
>>>>> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Indigenous_Languages is 
>>>>> something I am very proud of and I would love to find a way to help all 
>>>>> the mentioned communities to have thriving on & off Wiki linguistic 
>>>>> environment & growing repository of free knowledge that can be shared and 
>>>>> collectively experienced globally.
>>>>> Since being invited to join Wikimedia Russia volunteers organization, I 
>>>>> am trying to help my colleagues to communicate to the Russian Federation 
>>>>> citizens the fact that Wiki is written by volunteers, that volunteering 
>>>>> can be fun and useful, both on the personal and wider online & offline 
>>>>> community level.
>>>>> As for Tatar Wikipedia, our beloved bureaucrat is silent for almost a 
>>>>> year now, the only active admin is cooperating with requests to make 
>>>>> neutral edits to protected pages, & for quite a while now we are 
>>>>> experiencing a steadily growing community, partly because of Selet 
>>>>> WikiSchool project we run with Tatarstan's Youth Educational movement for 
>>>>> close to two years now
>>>>> https://ru.wikimedia.org/wiki/Selet_WikiSchool
>>>>> Attending Wikimania 2017 was very convenient (mid-August) & useful for me 
>>>>> to the point, that I thought of not coming back (and encouraging others 
>>>>> to apply for limited available scholarships) at least until I get the 
>>>>> majority of homework I took from there done at the appropriate level
>>>>> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Frhdkazan/Wikimania2017#To_do_list
>>>>> Stockholm is in August, plus I now seem to have to follow in Felix's 
>>>>> footsteps of serving as Wikimedia Goodwill Ambassador for the coming year 
>>>>> & try to make a proper address worthy of the place our Swedish colleagues 
>>>>> hinted us could be hosting the event...
>>>>> --
>>>>> Farkhad Fatkullin - Фархад Фаткуллин http://sikzn.ru/ Тел.+79274158066 / 
>>>>> skype:frhdkazan / Wikipedia:frhdkazan
>>>>> 24.07.2018, 13:01, "Samir Elsharbaty" <selsharb...@wikimedia.org>:
>>>>>> Thanks for your response, Farhad! Today is fine for a turnaround.
>>>>>> I feel sorry that we haven't had the chance to feature your great 
>>>>>> efforts on the blog before. Better late than never, right? And this time 
>>>>>> you're not only being featured as a prolific contributor. YOU ARE THE 
>>>>>> Samir Elsharbaty
>>>>>> Communications|Wikimedia Foundation
>>>>>> On Mon, Jul 23, 2018 at 9:37 PM Фархад Фаткуллин / Farkhad Fatkullin 
>>>>>> <f...@yandex.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Samir,
>>>>>>> Thank you for congratulations and inviting me to share.
>>>>>>> Please excuse my not being able to respond to you immediately.
>>>>>>> I will re-read your email during the day tomorrow and will get back to 
>>>>>>> you in about 24 hours.
>>>>>>> I am used to speaking about we (Russia's diverse Wiki-community & it 
>>>>>>> being part of the global one), but I haven't yet learned to think about 
>>>>>>> my story or individual place in it, as it was never a priority. Today's 
>>>>>>> media fallout & just general interest (What it means to be Wikimedian 
>>>>>>> of the Year & Why Russia & Why Farhad) was taking too much of my time, 
>>>>>>> intellectual & emotional energy, whilst all other scheduled Wiki-, Work 
>>>>>>> & Family life responsibilities are still there to be taken care of.
>>>>>>> regards,
>>>>>>> farhad
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Farkhad Fatkullin - Фархад Фаткуллин http://sikzn.ru/ Тел.+79274158066 
>>>>>>> / skype:frhdkazan / Wikipedia:frhdkazan
>>>>>>> 23.07.2018, 18:19, "Samir Elsharbaty" <selsharb...@wikimedia.org>:
>>>>>>>> Hi Farhad,
>>>>>>>> Congratulations on your selection as the 2018 Wikimedian of the year 
>>>>>>>> and thanks for all your great efforts for the Wikimedia movement!!
>>>>>>>> My name is Samir Elsharbaty and I work with the Wikimedia Foundation's 
>>>>>>>> digital media team (mainly the Wikimedia blog) and we would love to 
>>>>>>>> publish a blog post announcing the great news of you being named as 
>>>>>>>> this year's Wikimedian of the year.
>>>>>>>> I wonder if you can give me a few lines explaining your interest in 
>>>>>>>> developing Wikimedia communities and your story with the movement in 
>>>>>>>> general, like when you started, what challenges have you met and what 
>>>>>>>> motivates you to keep contributing, or any other thoughts that you 
>>>>>>>> would like to share with the blog audience.
>>>>>>>> It doesn't need to be a long essay. A few lines can do the job. I will 
>>>>>>>> use some parts of what you share with me as quotes in my post.
>>>>>>>> Thank you so much!
>>>>>>>> Samir Elsharbaty
>>>>>>>> Communications|Wikimedia Foundation

-------- Конец пересылаемого сообщения --------

Farkhad Fatkullin - Фархад Фаткуллин http://sikzn.ru/ Тел.+79274158066 / 
skype:frhdkazan / Wikipedia:frhdkazan

Wikimedia-RU mailing list
              • ... Фархад Фаткуллин / Farkhad Fatkullin
              • ... Фархад Фаткуллин / Farkhad Fatkullin
              • ... Nikolai Litvinov
              • ... Фархад Фаткуллин / Farkhad Fatkullin
              • ... Alexander N Krassotkin
              • ... Nikolai Litvinov
              • ... Фархад Фаткуллин / Farkhad Fatkullin
              • ... Фархад Фаткуллин / Farkhad Fatkullin
              • ... Alexander N Krassotkin
  • Re: [WM-RU] Фархад - в... HalanTul
  • Re: [WM-RU] Фархад - в... Фархад Фаткуллин / Farkhad Fatkullin
