A few responses;
 "..I don't think our chapter is capable of producing a grant application.."
- sure we've only got 10 days, but I think it's worth a try, and the process
of giving it a go would, I feel, be beneficial - does anyone have any ideas
whatsoever they'd like any help in preparing a grant app. for - I'm not
entirely unfamiliar with such processes, and would be happy to do my best to
help here :-)
"..Without any attempt to coordinate the various approaches.." - totally
agree that we need to coordinate - do you agree that the official wiki is
quite a good spot for this? - we probably just need to make sure we talk a
bit more over there about things that are ongoing to avoid duplicated
efforts etc. - I must say that I'm not really aware of this happening at any
significant level at the moment - to a degree it would be a nice problem to
have for the chapter! (too many individual efforts happening - I'm not
seeing that at the mo)
"Thirdly, given your recent conflict...." - ah look, I'm really only
interested in helping / joining / encouraging / creating some really good
collaborative efforts for WMAU to really get stuck into - it's probably true
that some of my wiki broo ha ha-s are pretty silly (the 'dictionary of
sydney' thing is another matter, and I really feel you (Andrew) behaved
poorly therein - but sleeping dogs 'n spilt milk and all that :-) - I don't
really consider myself to be in 'conflict' with anyone (let alone Jimbo!) -
when it comes down to it, on a chapter level, I'd really much rather be a
follower-along / occasional helper / flag waver than any sort of leader -
but I'm afraid whatever leadership is currently ongoing just isn't trickling
down to this member currently
I'll try and write up my ideas regardless - it's probably high time I did so
anyways, so I guess we can see if I can scrub them up to any sort of
standard where they might be 'submitable' - any help would be much
appreciated :-)
On Wed, May 5, 2010 at 4:06 PM, Andrew <orderinchao...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'll be straight up and state I'm not going to support this, for a variety
> of reasons.
> Firstly, I don't think our chapter is capable of producing a grant
> application to the standard WMF require for such a big area (education) in
> 10 days that addresses all the things WMF expect us to address.
> Secondly, this appears to be trying to reinvent the wheel. Craig's project
> up in Brisbane is already making significant advances, at least three other
> chapter members have made contacts with (or have been contacted by)
> educational departments and representative associations, and completed
> resources already in use in schools exist in other languages from other
> chapters - I'm presently trying to secure translations of these on behalf of
> the chapter. Without any attempt to coordinate the various approaches, we're
> not only less effective but also give the outward appearance of being
> disorganised to the various educational bodies involved.
> Thirdly, given your recent conflict with, among other people, Jimbo Wales
> and various concerns about past occasions when you have undertaken chapter
> work (in particular the Dictionary of Sydney episode), I do not think you
> personally should be making any outward representation of our chapter and,
> if the grant were to be approved, I think someone else should lead it.
> kindest regards
> Andrew
> On 5 May 2010 11:46, private musings <thepmacco...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> G'day all,
>> does the chapter have any grants proposals heading in this year?
>> http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Grants:Index
>> Do we have any structure for creating / supporting a chapter grant like
>> this?
>> I have a few ideas and opportunities - for wiki use in education,
>> hopefully in partnership with nsw dep. of ed. - if I write something up in
>> the next week or so, I suppose we could discuss it on our wiki, and forward
>> it to the grants page linked above for consideration if appropriate?
>> I think it's important for a functioning healthy chapter to try to engage
>> with processes like this, so if you too have any ideas or opportunities,
>> please do pipe up, and let's work on them on the wiki, and get them going
>> :-)
>> cheers,
>> Peter,
>> PM.
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