Le 10/06/2013 18:23, Manuel Schneider a écrit :
> I can only speak about the processes within WMCH which are know to me or
> where I am part of.
> So far these processes mainly use self-hosted IT ressources. On our four
> server instances we run a variety of services:
> * mail (SMTP/IMAP)
> * webserver / content management systems / wikis
> * shell / file access (ssh / sftp)
> * videoconferencing
> * groupware / calendars / address books / ActiveSync
> * file server / webDAV storage
> * backup server
> The servers for this are technically and physically under full control
> of WMCH (me as a member and contractor of WMCH) and located in a
> datacentre in Germany which I am paying for space, access control,
> power, a/c and bandwidth. Exceptions are the office and backup servers
> which are virtual hosts located on a physical server in our Lausanne office.
> External services regularly used are:
> * phone / SIP lines via Swisscom
> * internet connectivity via Swisscom
> * mobile phones via Orange and Swisscom
> Other external services we don't use as infrastructure:
> * sometimes we use the WMF Etherpad for drafting text documents
> * social networks - G+, Facebook, Twitter for publishing news
> * some users of WMCH mail addresses redirect their mail to external
> services not under our control
> There might be processes which I am not aware of which make use of
> external platforms.

Thank you very much for this detailed answer.

Congratulations for making WMCH infrastructure almost not depending of
these type of problematic services (not the same in all chapters).

The only point I see which could be improved is the forwarding to email
boxes at Google/Yahoo/Microsoft accounts.

I understand this is not under our direct control, but I think we should
try to avoid sending internal information to such type of accounts in
favour of companies/legislations which are more respectful of our data.

I propose to invite all concerned users to:
* create a WMCH mailbox for them
* change the target email address to something more acceptable like
email box from the provider or european web mails like GMX.

Would that be feasible?
Does something speaks against such type of restriction?

Kind regards

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