Dear all,

just a few words. I won't engage in this discussion but I am reading it
all. Thanks for bringing up the topic, I hope it makes people more aware
of their responsibilities towards the data they handle and I am thankful
that through this discussion we found the one case where staff mails
were redirected, this has been fixed in the meantime (that person got
his mail address many years before as a volunteer, so I didn't notice

There are some best practices in IT administration which I am following
and which have a sane cost-benefit ratio.

There is no difference in the kind of data we handle, it all gets the
same protection. I am aware that this is never a 100% perfect protection
but quite good depending our investment of money and effort. Hartwig is
also right sying that this will not save us from a government to spy on us.
As we have our own servers and there is plenty of cool open source
software around for all kind of problems I am using this wherever
possible. Also natural we are using enycryption (HTTPS, IMAPS etc.)
where applicable and we control access granularly, allowing people to
access the server but only in areas needed, isolating each website and
each database with its own accounts and system groups.

Am 11.06.2013 09:12, schrieb Emmanuel Engelhart:
> The wiki works now pretty well and Manuel has increased the upload limit
> to 32MB. IMO, this is the best place to store files which should be kept
> for a long time.

The wiki should only be used to store files that won't change very
often. Policies or forms for instance, which are created once and
downloaded many times.

For an exchange of file use our file service via webDAV:

It has a dedicated space for projects everyone who has a WMCH mail
account can access.

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