Hi Abhinav,

Thanks for your mail.

On Thu, 2 Aug 2018, 11:13 Abhinav srivastava, <abhinav...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello Satdeep, Bodhisattwa and All,
> I believe the response to the first statement put by Satdeep, on having
> expected more discussions, stands firm, Indian community has advanced from
> the notion of “Constantly enduring in fights amongst themselves”. The
> mailing list have largely remained positive and most importantly friendly
> in nature for some time now. Indian community needs this kind of a
> behaviour.
> While Bodhisattwa was absolutely democratic and correct in inquiring,
> debating or in fact questioning this issue, his tone could have been
> better. When the issue requires clarity of information, putting value
> judgements along with taking names, I believe this could have been put in a
> better manner. Otherwise, we haven’t progressed at all.

I understand, as a past EC member of WMIN, you are feeling bad with my
tone, for that I am sorry. I request you to ignore my tone and discuss
about my question. How can a non-scholarship recipient and not in the
waiting list be selected to attend Wikimania with donation money depriving
those who were in the waiting list. I just want to know about the
documentation, so that everything becomes clear to me.

> As far as Wikimania mailing list is concerned, I too subsequently inquired
> and I find response has been provided for the same, two days back.
> Bodhisattwa has been subsequently replying. Also, the respective mailing
> list advises that the issue is a different matter and not relevant for the
> mailing list. Satdeep, you did not inform about this information in your
> mail.
> Bodhisattwa, as a past executive committee member of the Wikimedia India,
> I would like to say Wikimedia India always believes in the will of the
> community being the will of the executive committee. I can personally say,
> Chapter having no money, the Executive committee members have paid from
> their pockets to provide all the necessary support. You were also one of
> its recipients for Internet scholarship until some telecom companies
> started providing very pocket friendly price internet services and we
> requested you to shift (Reliance Jio). The several executive committee
> members did not earn still they paid from their pocket to support you and
> others. We did it because we always believed in you, your work has been
> fantastic even community members used to express their happiness to us for
> on having supported Bodhisattwa.
For that, I am always thankful to WMIN, specially Yohann and you, as I got
support when it was badly needed. I have never forgotten that and will
never forget. But things have changed now in WMIN. I along with other
patricipants in the conference from India have heard of future plans and
incidents related to present WMIN president, which are not in the spirit of
the Wikimedia movement. If you want to know about those, I can tell, others
can confirm, if they are true or not.

> Like the allegation today, even two years back on Wikimania there happened
> to be an allegation on an Indian language village pump, concerning you and
> your travel. The Chapter paid no heed and remained firm in supporting you.
> Unnamed and unmentioned, I would say the editor who questioned then is also
> a very senior member and having been associated as a staff in few of the
> institutions which concerns us. Today, you seem to be in a very similar
> position, an experienced community who is questioning with no so proper
> tone and taking names. Bodhisattwa, you should lead the community members
> in promoting friendly space not doing the opposites.

It is completely new for me, or may be I have completely forgotten, when
did that happen that some senior member objected against my Wikimania
participation on an Indian language village pump. Can you please send me
the link of that discussion, so that I can remember everything. Pardon my
retrograde amnesia, may be I am getting old and my memory cells are not
working as before. As it was my second Wikimania and luckily I got a full
scholarship to attend the conference, I am really interested to see that
discussion and comprehend from the point of objection again. Please send me
the link, dont forget, please.

> At last, Bodhisattwa, my friend, like Satdeep and Subhashish raise your
> voice but maintain friendly spirt.
As I said before, please, my friend, ignore my tone and stick to the
question I asked.

Waiting for your reply,

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