>From an administrative point of view, I'd like to hold off on talking about
direct debits until we get a proper hold on the impact they're having. At
present, we're still very much in the experimental stage. We're also in the
middle of the fundraiser agreement discussions with the WMF, and although
this may have changed by Wikimania 2012, I'm not really comfortable talking
hard figures.

Richard Symonds
Wikimedia UK
0207 065 0992
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On 7 June 2012 16:59, Thomas Dalton <thomas.dal...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 7 June 2012 16:02, Roger Bamkin <victuall...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > agree with WSC - the direct debit was the fundraising coup and it was
> > Chris's "over achievement". £1m was the plan - collecting half of next
> years
> > was just showing off
> I agree. Direct Debits were the big thing I was disappointed not to
> achieve during my time on the board, and was very pleased to see Chris
> succeed where I had failed. The rest of the movement seems to have
> some difficulty understanding the important of direct debits (I think
> there are a very British way of giving to charity), but they really
> are very important.
> I look forward to the point (which may only be a couple of years away)
> when our goal in the annual fundraiser has nothing to do with the next
> year's income, because we already know we'll be getting that, and
> we're focusing on increasing revenue in the long term.
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