On 18 June 2012 19:15, Charles Matthews <charles.r.matth...@ntlworld.com> wrote:
> On 18 June 2012 18:12, Thomas Morton <morton.tho...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> [things that make sense to me]
> I'd also like to see quantification. Is the current provable need 0.7
> of a person or 1.5 persons? I'm still enough of a mathematician to
> think that it's unlikely to be a whole number (and I guess Tom D. is
> too).

As a mathematician, I agree with you. Experience, however, tells me
that there is always enough work for between 10% and 20% more people
than you have! If you have enough work for 0.7 FTE, then as soon as
you hire someone you'll find another 0.5 FTE worth of work appears. I
don't think there is any real risk of hiring someone and not being
able to find useful things for them to do.

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