Chad hett schreven:
> You're hitting on a core issue here, which is the lack of
> support for multilingual projects. Mediawiki does not
> currently support this. Using hacks such as uselang has
> helped hide the issue, but its far from ideal. I would
> venture that multilingual content could be handled
> with the user's language setting/headers/uselang
> param being helpful to show the appropriate content.
> Until that happens, each project only has one content
> language. In cases like the ones you mentioned, this
> happens to be English.
The facts are correct, but if you thereby implicate that English thus 
should be regarded as a valid output for non-English users of those 
projects, I don't agree. This implication is wrong.
> Let's suppose I use the French
> Wikipedia with Arabic interface. I would find it very
> odd that the content is not in French, even though I
> use Arabic as my interface language.
The average user with a non-technical approach does not feel a strict 
distinction between "interface" (served by the php scripts) and 
"content" (rendered from database content). Especially on file 
description pages (file history and file links for example appear as 
headings just in the same way as the content headings). It won't seem 
odd to me.
> On multilingual projects, its ok to present in your user
> language. On single-language projects it is not. Using
> uselang for content is an icky hack anyway. Multilingual
> projects need to be supported in core, or we're just
> going to perpetuate these hacks.
The ways of achieving and accessing may change in the future, but you 
will never have a clear separation of "content" and localizable 
elements. Multilang support can be as core as imaginable, but still you 
will have localizable elements stored in "content" areas.
> Basically, I figured support the majority of cases (single
> language projects) rather than the minority (multi-
> language projects). The former get the benefit of the
> hack, the latter see no change.
> -Chad
Well, you could put it in other terms and the majority/minority thing 
switches: content lang allows localization for monolang projects only, 
when user lang allows it for _all_ projects. So content lang is the 
minority. Whether Arabic file description pages for users of the French 
Wikipedia preferring Arabic is a good or a bad thing is not decided and 
not even decidable. There are some points for content lang, but no 
strong points. There are some points for user lang, but no strong points 
either. If there are equally good points for both solutions this 
supports my interpretation of the majority/minority relation. Your 
interpretation is based on the assumption that content lang on monolang 
projects is _obviously_ a good thing.

Marcus Buck

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