Robert Rohde schrieb:
> On Mon, Mar 9, 2009 at 9:29 PM, Andrew Garrett <> wrote:
>> On Tue, Mar 10, 2009 at 3:21 PM, K. Peachey <> wrote:
>>>> Currently all data, including private data, is replicated to the
>>>> toolserver. We could not do this with a third-party server.
>>> My understanding is that the the toolserver(/s) are owned by the
>>> german chapter and not by wikimedia directly so why is private data
>>> being replicated onto them?
>> Because it was chosen as the best technical solution. Is there a
>> specific problem with private data being on the toolserver? If so,
>> what?
> I'd say the added worries about security and access approval are a
> "problem" partially bundled up with that, even if they can be worked
> around.
> Logistically it would be nice to have a means of providing an
> exclusively public data replica for purposes such as research, though
> I can certainly see how that could get technically messy.

As far as I know, there is simply no efficient way to do this currently. MySQL's
replication can be told to omit entire tables, but not individual columns or
even rows. That would be required though. Witrh the new revision-deletion
feature, we have even more trouble.

So, toolserver roots need to be trusted and approved by the foundation. However,
account *approval* doesn't require root access. It doesn't require any access,
technically. Accoiunt *creation* of course does, but that's not much of a
problem (except currently, because of infrastructure changes due to new serves,
but that will be fixed soon).

To avoid confusion: *two* Daniels can do approval: DaB and me. We both don't
have much time, currently - DaB does it every now and then, and I don't do it at
all, admittedly - i'm caught up in organizing the dev meeting and hardware
orders besides doing my regular develoment jobs. I suppose we should streamline
the process, yes. This would be a good topic for the developer meeting, maybe.

-- daniel

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