2009/4/2 Håkon Wium Lie <howc...@opera.com>:
> Also sprach Aryeh Gregor:

>  > (For those more familiar with CSS/JS than with MediaWiki, I'm
>  > referring to user subpages here, e.g.,
>  > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Simetrical/monobook.js.  I'm not
>  > referring to stuff people have in their browsers, which is of course
>  > impossible to track or fix even in principle.)

> Right. While user CSS/JS is an interesting feature (in fact, it's a
> fundamental feature in CSS), it would be a loss if it prevents the
> HTML code from being improved. Wikipedia should be bold, both in the
> content and in the style and structure.

Indeed. Wikitext is a significant backward compatibility requirement;
IE6 compatibility and text/speech browser graceful degradation is a
significant backware compatibility requirement. Random hacked-up
customisations and ricing-up that people put on their personal views
themselves are not significant backward compatibility requirements.

- d.

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