Hi Chengbin, hi list,

static.wikimedia.org is currently not being updated and while the dumps 
processing has been assigned to and completely rewritten by Tomasz Finc 
(developer at WMF), there has not been made any assignment concerning HTML 

We had a Wikipedia Offline meeting at Wikimania last week and discussed 
several issues. One issue is the fact, that WMF wants to see the ZIM file 
format being used for offline dumps and has suggested to include it into the 
regular dumping process.
So one question was: When will that happen, what is the status of WMF ZIM 
As ZIM uses HTML extracts Tomasz clarified that once static.wikimedia.org has 
been rebuild to be stable and sutainable, integrating ZIM would be trivial. 
But he also informed us that this task has not yet been assigned.

As Brion Vibber and Erik Möller have been at the meeting as well we hope that 
this assignment will be made soon and this task has got higher priority.

This said I may also advise you not to you use the pure HTML dumps but the ZIM 
files for your Archos, because that's what they are meant for.
A ZIM file containing all german Wikipedia articles (>900,000) is 1,4 GB, an 
additional full text search index takes another 1 GB.



Am Mittwoch, 2. September 2009 schrieb Chengbin Zheng:
> I bring this old issue up because I want to know if (or if not) progress
> (or plans) are made to update the static HTML version of Wikipedia.
> B&H photos just leaked the next generation of Archos portable media
> players. Unbelievably, the rumors of a 500GB version is true! This is
> already tempting (especially the price at $420). Just waiting for specs on
> September 15, the Archos event. I really hope it will support NTFS so I can
> use the compression feature.
> It would be really cool and convenient to have an offline copy of Wikipedia
> anywhere I go without the need of Wi-Fi. What am I gonna do with 500GB?
> BTW, does anyone know what is the size of the current static HTML English
> Wikipedia version uncompressed? Thanks.
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Manuel Schneider

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