Robert Ullmann wrote:
> Hi,
> Something bad happened, having to do with the "legend" junk add to RC
> and similar pages. Firefox will go compute bound (or very nearly) as
> long as the page is open, even if hours.
> It isn't java/javascript (first suspect ;-), turning them off has no
> effect. It doesn't quite happen with 50 changes shown, always happens
> with 100 or more. Long pages without the cruft (eg.
> )
> don't cause the problem.
> WinXP updated to current, FF at 3.5.1 and 3.5.2.
> Is there a way to turn that added stuff off? It is pure noise, not
> helpful at all. (yes, css display:none, but must everyone do that?)
> best,
> Robert

Can't reproduce. Where *is* it happening? ?

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