>> Perhaps a separate IRC channel for the GSOC students/mentors  
>> (#wikimedia-gsoc?) (and who ever else wants to hangout in there) so that it 
>> doesn't get flooded with random questions and such and wouldn't be as hectic 
>> (or scary) for the newer irc users.
> That would be worse, splitting what knowledge/time is available into 
> disparate segments is not great.
I agree that a seperate IRC channel is probably not a good idea. (There are 
enough mw channels already, and in most of them people give really great 
support, and there is no reason to cut the students off the main community.) 
However, a mailing list for the people involved with GSoC would be a great 
tool. Last year I did not really know who the other students and mentors where, 
and even although I did considerable effort in finding out, there was no place 
that had their contact info, or where we could have a discussion. A mailing 
list would go a long way in solving that. Last year I created a google group 
for this purpose about half way through the project, but this didn't take off. 
I suspect it's critical to have this sort of infrastructure in place before the 
projects start, and to give all students a poke towards it. This would also 
help detecting problems, both on student and mentor side, that would remain 
hidden if there is only communication
 between the students and their mentors.



Jeroen De Dauw 

* Wiki: wiki.bn2vs.com
* Blog: blog.bn2vs.com

* Skype: rts.bn.vs

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