Hello Aryeh,

Thank you for your answers and questions.

> The screen readers should allow the user to expand the menus just like 
> sighted users can -- if that can't be done, that's what should be fixed.

It’s not about the screen reader preventing the interaction. The interaction 
will be the same as for keyboard-only users. The problem is that there is no 
indication that the element can be interacted with. It is a heading level 5. 
How can you know, it does something? The small arrow is not visible to blind 

What can we do? If you use onclick="" JAWS, for example, will indicate that the 
element is clickable, so the user will either use the space or enter bar or the 
routing keys of the Braille display to interact with the heading. (Note: The 
element does not necessarily have the focus but rather a virtual focus within 
the screen reader’s view of the website. The screen reader then handles the 
clicking or focussing, so we must somehow tell it that there is interaction 
possible.) If you have one of the new screen readers supporting WAI-ARIA, you 
could build a semantically understandable menu (see 

> Also, I'm not sure what the actual benefit would be -- do screen readers 
> treat div soup better than presentational tables?

Divs are not spoken, but sometimes indicated by a blank line. Whenever you read 
from one cell to another, you usually get information about your position 
within the table, the reference to the header etc. If you have boxes really 
displaying data in a tabular way, that’s fine. But it’s not fine to have tables 
merely for the sake of layout. (That’s one core thing repeated by accessibility 
experts again and again.) You will get all this positional information which 
wouldn’t make any sense and slow down your reading. So, yes: div soup is better 
than table soup. (Screen reader do have some heuristics to detect layout tables 
and treat them differently, but the results are varying.)

> I've never been clear on what's the best thing to do here.  […]  This is what 
> HTML5 currently recommends […] “or omit the alt attribute altogether, under 
> the assumption that the image is a key part of the content.” […]

Ah, shame on me. I totally forgot about the recommendation. This is useful and 
we should follow it.

Kind regards,

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