2010/9/7 Dmitriy Sintsov <ques...@rambler.ru>:
> Do browsers support streamed and combined (archive-like) gz-encoded
> content? Then probably minifying will not be neccessary.
Minification makes a shocking difference: remember that it's not just
whitespace being stripped, it's comments as well. For example, in
/trunk/extensions/UsabilityInitiative/js we have:

plugins.combined.js: 259281 bytes
plugins.combined.min.js: 142565 bytes
plugins.combined.js.gz: 65569 bytes
plugins.combined.min.js.gz: 32740 bytes

So not only is the minified JS roughly half the size in both the
compressed and the uncompressed cases, it actually /compresses better/
(3.95x vs. 4.35x).

> Also, it would
> be great if these high-level JS-libraries like jQuery actually were
> ported into DOM API level (native browser's implementation instead of
> extra JS layer). However, these questions are to FF/IE/Opera
> developers...
I definitely think this is the future, provided it's implemented
reliably cross-browser. Also, you'd probably want to have a fallback
library for browsers that have no or incomplete (e.g. missing a jQuery
feature that's newer than the browser) native support.

Roan Kattouw (Catrope)

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