Tim Starling wrote:
> On 07/09/10 17:44, Roan Kattouw wrote:
>> 2010/9/7 Dmitriy Sintsov <ques...@rambler.ru>:
>>> Do browsers support streamed and combined (archive-like) gz-encoded
>>> content? Then probably minifying will not be neccessary.
>> Minification makes a shocking difference: remember that it's not just
>> whitespace being stripped, it's comments as well. For example, in
>> /trunk/extensions/UsabilityInitiative/js we have:
>> plugins.combined.js: 259281 bytes
>> plugins.combined.min.js: 142565 bytes
>> plugins.combined.js.gz: 65569 bytes
>> plugins.combined.min.js.gz: 32740 bytes
>> So not only is the minified JS roughly half the size in both the
>> compressed and the uncompressed cases, it actually /compresses better/
>> (3.95x vs. 4.35x).
> Note that the advantage of minification is somewhat inflated due to
> the nature of the source. There seems to be a "because we can" element
> to it: because the developers are so impressed by the concept of
> minification, they write excessively verbose and excessively many
> comments. For example:
> // create the span wrapper for the matched text
> var spannode = document.createElement( 'span' );
> spannode.className = 'highlight';
> // shave off the characters preceding the matched text
> var middlebit = node.splitText( pos );
> // shave off any unmatched text off the end
> middlebit.splitText( pat.length );
> // clone for appending to our span
> var middleclone = middlebit.cloneNode( true );
> // append the matched text node to the span
> spannode.appendChild( middleclone );
> // replace the matched node, with our span-wrapped clone of the
> matched node
> middlebit.parentNode.replaceChild( spannode, middlebit );
> Or a doc comment:
> /**
>  * This plugin provides a generic way to add suggestions to a text box.
>  *
>  * Usage:
>  *
>  * Set options:
>  *            $('#textbox').suggestions( { option1: value1, option2: value2 } 
> );
>  *            $('#textbox').suggestions( option, value );
>  * Get option:
>  *            value = $('#textbox').suggestions( option );
>  * Initialize:
>  *            $('#textbox').suggestions();
>  *
>  * Options:
>  *
>  * fetch(query): Callback that should fetch suggestions and set the
> suggestions property. Executed in the context of the
>  *            textbox
>  *            Type: Function
>  * cancel: Callback function to call when any pending asynchronous
> suggestions fetches should be canceled.
>  *            Executed in the context of the textbox
>  *            Type: Function
>  * special: Set of callbacks for rendering and selecting
>  *            Type: Object of Functions 'render' and 'select'
>  * result: Set of callbacks for rendering and selecting
>  *            Type: Object of Functions 'render' and 'select'
>  * $region: jQuery selection of element to place the suggestions below
> and match width of
>  *            Type: jQuery Object, Default: $(this)
>  * suggestions: Suggestions to display
>  *            Type: Array of strings
>  * maxRows: Maximum number of suggestions to display at one time
>  *            Type: Number, Range: 1 - 100, Default: 7
>  * delay: Number of ms to wait for the user to stop typing
>  *            Type: Number, Range: 0 - 1200, Default: 120
>  * submitOnClick: Whether to submit the form containing the textbox
> when a suggestion is clicked
>  *            Type: Boolean, Default: false
>  * maxExpandFactor: Maximum suggestions box width relative to the
> textbox width.  If set to e.g. 2, the suggestions box
>  *            will never be grown beyond 2 times the width of the textbox.
>  *            Type: Number, Range: 1 - infinity, Default: 3
>  * positionFromLeft: Whether to position the suggestion box with the
> left attribute or the right
>  *            Type: Boolean, Default: true
>  * highlightInput: Whether to hightlight matched portions of the input
> or not
>  *            Type: Boolean, Default: false
>  */
> I think it's ironic that this style arises in JavaScript, given that
> it's a high-level language and relatively easy to understand, and that
> you could make a technical case in favour of terseness. C has an
> equally effective minification technique known as compilation, and its
> practitioners tend to be terse to a fault. For instance, many Linux
> kernel modules have no comments at all, except for the license header.
> -- Tim Starling
This brings up a question, what's the comparison between unminified,
minified, just stripping comments, and their gzipped versions?
Does minified+gzipped provide any significant size savings over simple

If not, then there's something to say about that since only erasing
comments would still make debugging somewhat doable since you should be
able to get a good enough line number to use find with some nearby code
to track down where the bug is. (You also won't run into server-side js
syntax-error issues due to needing to minify actual code)

~Daniel Friesen (Dantman, Nadir-Seen-Fire) [http://daniel.friesen.name]

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