On 9/7/10 11:23 PM, Robert Leverington wrote:
> I find
> it difficult to believe that this is all the discussion that is going on,
> or is everything else in face to face meetings - if so where are the
> minutes and notes for these, because MediaWiki.org seems the obvious
> place to put them?  And furthermore where is all the project
> documentation that you say has been produced?

For my work specifically (which isn't even of much interest to the dev 
community), you can find it documented and discussed at:

And most of those features are discussed in individual Bugzilla requests.

> This may well be true for the community in general, but this discussion
> is specifically about the volunteer developer community, which is
> clearly being left out of the loop in a large respect - otherwise this
> discussion would not exist.

I agree that the volunteer dev community is not as in-the-loop as paid 
staff, but it's not because the Foundation is trying to keep them out of 
the loop. Communicating with the dev community, the broader community, 
fellow staff, and keeping up with an aggressive development schedule is 
not an easy task! It doesn't take a conspiracy to not satisfactorily 
fulfill all of those requirements. Obviously, we can stand some 
improvement, which is why the Foundation is planning on specifically 
hiring someone to act as a bugmeister and development coordinator in the 
very near future. What we need are helpful (and realistic) suggestions 
for how to improve communication, not misguided badgering about "secret 

Ryan Kaldari

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