2010/10/15 Aryeh Gregor <simetrical+wikil...@gmail.com>:
> But instead of seeing volunteers' frustration as something that needs
> to be addressed by staff if you expect to keep a healthy community
> going, you see it as a problem in its own right which is the fault of
> the volunteers.  This perspective has, unfortunately, been typical of
> Wikimedia staff for some time now.
To repeat the subject line of this thread: it's a two-way street. I
acknowledge that the current tensions are a byproduct of certain
crises, and by no means meant to imply that staff members are
practically innocent and that it's all the volunteers' fault. I also
acknowledge that the staff has a part to play in fixing this situation
(I literally said this), but the volunteers have a part to play too.
That's what two-way means. To reiterate: I am *not* saying this
problem is somehow disconnected from the other one or is somehow
exclusively the volunteers' fault and responsibility.

What I *am* saying is that both sides have roles to play. The staff's
role is to collaborate with the volunteers better: this has been
discussed extensively, so I won't go into detail there. Instead, I
chose to highlight the volunteers' role in this thread. Their role,
IMO, is to keep the collaborative environment positive. This means
being welcoming to new staff, embracing them, pat them on the shoulder
when they to things right and correct them when they do things wrong,
while keeping their patience.

I feel that especially the shoulder-patting and patience parts have
been lacking lately, at least in the perception of the staff members I
spoke to. This leads to them perceiving the environment as
predominantly negative towards them, which does not encourage them. To
expand on the patience part a bit more: staffers coming from outside
the community need to adapt, and adapting takes time. If they, while
still in this process, demonstrate that they "don't get it" (which may
very well be the case, but I'd like to add "yet!" to that), they
should be cut some slack on the grounds that some of this stuff is new
to them, even after having worked at WMF for quite some time. Don't
underestimate how long this process takes. We as a community go way
back, and "outside" staffers have missed all that history.

Roan Kattouw (Catrope)

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