On 12/01/11 09:31, Aryeh Gregor wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 11, 2011 at 5:21 PM, Tim Starling <tstarl...@wikimedia.org> wrote:
>> I've always been opposed to that policy.
> Are you aware of the completely insane things users have sometimes
> established as conventions or even policies based on nonsensical
> server-load grounds? 

Yes. I know that the main reason for the existence of the "don't worry
about performance" page is to make such policy debates easier by
elevating elitism to the status of a pseudo-policy. It means that
sysadmins don't have to explain anything, they just have to say "what
I say goes, see [[WP:PERF]]."

My issue with it is that it tends to discourage smart, capable users
who are interested in improving server performance. Particularly in
the area of template design, optimising server performance is
important, and it's frequently done by users with a great amount of
impact. It's not very hard. I've done it myself from time to time, but
it's best done by people with a knowledge of the templates in question
and the articles they serve.

Taking a few simple measures, like reducing the number of arguments in
loop-style templates down to the minimum necessary, can have a huge
impact on the parse time of very popular pages. I've given general
tips in the past.

> Users are just not
> going to be able to figure out what causes server load without
> specific instruction by sysadmins.

I think this is an exaggeration.

When I optimise the parse time of particular pages, I don't even use
my sysadmin access. The best way to do it is to download the page with
all its templates using Special:Export, and then to load it into a
local wiki. Parsing large pages is typically CPU-dominated, so you can
get a very good approximation without simulating the whole network.
Once the page is in your local wiki, you can use whatever profiling
tools you like: the MW profiler with extra sections, xdebug, gprof,
etc. And you can modify the test cases very easily.

-- Tim Starling

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