On Tue, Jan 11, 2011 at 5:21 PM, Tim Starling <tstarl...@wikimedia.org> wrote:
> I've always been opposed to that policy.

Are you aware of the completely insane things users have sometimes
established as conventions or even policies based on nonsensical
server-load grounds?  Like on the Dutch Wikipedia, apparently new
users were routinely being told to make as few edits as possible so
that the servers wouldn't run out of disk space:


An English Wikipedia user tried to argue for a couple of years that
Wikipedia was becoming slow because of too many links between pages,
and that something terrible would happen if templates didn't have
fewer links in them (fortunately no one listened to him that I know


There are probably even stupider things that I don't know about.
Ideally users would understand the issues involved and make
intelligent decisions about server load, but in practice the policy
seems to prevent a lot more harm than it causes.  Users are just not
going to be able to figure out what causes server load without
specific instruction by sysadmins.

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