In article <>,
George Herbert  <> wrote:
>Broken IPv6 routing will be evident to the providers and users,
>because nothing will work.  I would expect few complaints to us...
>(perhaps naively...)

This is actually more of an issue than you might think... many users 
*already* have broken IPv6 connectivity[0], and it's only going to get 
worse with early adopters, since most (IPv4) users won't notice the 

That might not be too bad, except most users tend not to report 
problems, and just assume the site is broken.

Of course, in a couple of years when more sites support IPv6, broken 
connectivity will be much more obvious, and users will just complain to 
their ISP.

        - river.

[0] Several years back I gave an AAAA record for 
testing.  (In hindsight, that was probably a bad idea, but anyway.)  One 
of the users who was unable to access the site, and couldn't work out 
why, was another Wikimedia sysadmin.

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