Roan Kattouw wrote:
> As always we do of course need to be careful to not want to solve this
> "internally" between WMF staff, but have a public discussion with
> everyone regardless of whether they happen to be paid.  However, my
> impression is that this particular topic is one that mainly involves
> staff and that it would be acceptable to hammer something out
> internally and propose that on wikitech-l as something of a draft, in
> this particular case. I'd be very interested to hear how unpaid
> developers feel about that, as some of them have called out this
> practice as undesirable back in September.

I'm not a developer, but I can say this: from the outside, there's the
appearance that a major part of the problem is that nobody seems to really
be in charge. I see this problem in both Wikimedia and MediaWiki code


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