Hello, I'm currently partially rewriting the log system, because the
current one doesn't support i18n well enough.

I'm trying to avoid any radical changes like changes to the database
schema. My changes mostly touch
handling log entries and formatting them.

So, if you know any defects in the current log system, or have an wish
what the new should do, or know someplace where these kind of wishes
exist, please tell me.
I have scanned the list of bugs in bugzilla quickly, but it is a bit
hard to find relevant bugs when there is no logging component.

I'm aiming to solve at least these bugs:
https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/30737 User names should be moved into
log messages.
https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/24156 Messages of log entries should
support GENDER
https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/24620 Log entries are difficult to
localize; rewrite logs system
https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org21716 Log entries assume sentence starts
with username

Niklas Laxström

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