On Tue, Mar 6, 2012 at 6:42 PM, K. Peachey <p858sn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 7, 2012 at 5:20 AM, Diederik van Liere <dvanli...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>> My concern is not about the UI of Gerrit, I know it's popular within
>> WMF to say that it's UI sucks but I don't think that's the case and
>> even if it was an issue it's only minor.
> We are changing from a CR system where everything (or atleast almost
> everything) was displayed on a single (and non confusing) page to a
> system that to plainly put it, is a clusterfuck of confusing (And i'm
> known for choosing the more time consuming/evil/painful methods of
> doing things),

I'll be the first to admit that Gerrit may not be the single most intuitive
piece of software. But to call it a clusterfuck is doing it a disservice.
The learning curve is steeper than our home-grown CodeReview tool,
but I honestly don't think it's insurmountable.

Learning a new tool and new workflow is jarring, but I think it's a feeling
that will pass slightly as time goes on. That's part of the reason we
pushed the decision about Phabricator out by a few months-- it allows
us to get some hands-on experience with Gerrit. By that point I hope
we'll be moving past the initial Git learning curve, and I think it'll allow
us to make a better decision about code review tools without being
clouded by git-isms (some of which will remain regardless of the tool
in question).

Sadly you only get one first impression, and Gerrit doesn't do a good
job at that :(


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