Petr Bena wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 21, 2012 at 10:03 AM, Sébastien Santoro
> <> wrote:
>> On Thu, Jun 21, 2012 at 9:35 AM, Petr Bena <> wrote:
>>> One developer recently complained about some freenode policies,
>>> specifically that wiki projects (wikipedia etc has some kind of
>>> exception) are no longer allowed to be hosted on freenode network,
>>> which is supposed to host only opensource projects.
>>> It's fact that as
>>> the wikimedia project is becoming more large the freenode is getting
>>> less and less suitable.
>> You have the right to say anything, you've the duty to prove it.
>> Could you support your three claims:
>> (i) only open source projects are allowed on Freenode
>> (ii) Wikimedia has an exception
>> (iii) Freenode can't scale with Wikimedia projects growth
> 1: there is a reference
> 2: Wikipedia channels are allowed, the mere fact that others are not
> makes it an exception
> 3: I never said that

Regarding that Meta-Wiki link, you're referencing a footnote that reads:

Recent rejection email sent to a wiki project: "Whilst I'm sure that your
project has many admirable goals, it does not appear to be centric to the
concepts of free software, and so is not topical for our network. We are
imposing stricter criteria on new project registrations lately due to some
other registered groups having to be recinded. With this in mind, I'm afraid
we will need to reject this grf, and if you wish to use freenode for your
IRC channel, suggest that you take the "##" channel instead."

This may be true, but even if so, I don't think it's really relevant.

As I understand it, freenode has no issue hosting Wikimedia channels (and
actively encourages it, even). Back when Rob was alive, he offered Tim an o
line to try to get _more_ of Wikimedia's channels (in particular, the RC
feeds that live on on freenode.

This particular discussion (regarding using for chat) has
come up a few times and isn't really worth re-hashing, I don't think.


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