fwiw, my experience today trying to tell a community about a change we made:

we enabled WebFonts for my.wp:


as requested in https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=34817

because it was assigned to me in Gerrit and looked like an easy
change. So after merging and pushing out to cluster..

first i joined the IRC channel #wikipedia-my . It was empty.

Then i checked for a mailing list. It did not exist.

Then i went to the Wiki looking for the right place to drop a message.

I do not speak their language, actually i don't even have the right
fonts installed:


I just tried Village_Pump,
http://my.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Village_Pump but it appears
empty afaict.

At this point i gave up and relied on the comment in Bugzilla being enough..

The last part took waaaay longer than the actual merge of course.

If i could have a matrix with links please, one for every project in
every language with just the right places to leave comments on, i
would more often do this...

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