
On 10/10/2012 03:12 AM, Andre Klapper wrote:
being WMF's new "bug wrangler" I would like to improve documentation on
bug management/triaging in order to make it easier to get involved and
understand how things work.

- Having all the relevant information at mediawiki.org alone would be useful. The other wikis could just point there.

- Do we need all these pages with all that content with so much detail? I don't think so. It feels like you need to attend bugcademy before filing a bug, which is not true. A single landing page should be enough for making any regular bugzilla user useful and productive. Then you might need additional pages for Bugsquad team, admins etc but then they can sit in some corners clearly not for everybody.

- About Bugzilla awareness, what about using http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Bugzilla_Reports (or any better extension you might be aware of) to provide automatically updated listing of bugs in the pages where technical projects are being documented? We used this for wiki.maemo.org and I found it useful to advertise the work that needs to be done.

- And what about processing more data from the Bugzilla weekly report and show the trends over time? Everybody likes to see the progress (or lack of), the new bugs, the most important still open, etc. Like http://www.octofish.net/bugjar/ but adapted to the needs of the WM community.


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