Thanks Tim for pitching in.

On 16.01.2013 07:09, Tim Starling wrote:
> Giving a change -1 means that you are asking the developer to take
> orders from you, under threat of having their work ignored forever. A
> -1 status can cause a change to be ignored by other reviewers,
> regardless of its merit.
> If the developer can't lower their sense of pride sufficiently to
> allow them to engage with nitpickers, then the change might be ignored
> by all concerned for many months.

That's exactly the problem.

> However, if you give minor negative feedback with +0, the change stays
> bold in your "review requests" list, as if you haven't reviewed it at
> all. I've tried giving -1 with a comment to the effect of "please
> merge this immediately regardless of my nitpicking above", but IIRC
> the comment was ignored.

Yes, mentioning a type in a +0 comment would be perfectly fine with me. I
generally use +0 for nitpicks, i.e. anything that doesn't really hurt. Nitpicks
with a -1 are really annoying.

Anyway: editing in the UI makes the whole argument mute.

-- daniel

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