On Wed, Feb 13, 2013 at 9:33 PM, Marco Fleckinger
<marco.fleckin...@wikipedia.at> wrote:
> On 02/14/2013 03:28 AM, Chad wrote:
>> On Wed, Feb 13, 2013 at 9:22 PM, Marco Fleckinger
>> <marco.fleckin...@wikipedia.at>  wrote:
>>>>> Having a "can review all extensions" group is easy, but allowing for
>>>>> exemptions will be a pain to manage the ACLs for. For every extension
>>>>> that opts out of being reviewed by this group, we'd have to adjust its
>>>>> ACL to block the inherited permissions.
>>>> How about instead of "can review all extensions", we make it easier to
>>>> request review rights on non-WMF extensions?
>>> Good idea, but in general there could just be 3+ different classes of
>>> extensions? The class can be calculated by its importance, e.g. installed
>>> on
>>> WMF-sites, number of other wikis using it, etc.
>> Having classes of extensions is difficult to maintain from an ACL
>> standpoint. Permissions in Gerrit are directly inherited (and there's no
>> multiple inheritance), so things in mediawiki/extensions/* all have the
>> same permissions. So having rules that apply to only some of those
>> repositories requires editing ACLs for each repository in each "group."
> Sorry, I think you misunderstood me. I meant classes like:
> * "Used by WMF"
> * "non-WMF very important"
> * "non-WMF important"
> * "non-WMF less important"
> * "non-WMF unimportant"
> No multiple inheritance will be needed for this model.

Having these groups in Gerrit, or just in practice for application
for permissions? Having groups like this in Gerrit would be
a pain, that's what I'm saying.


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