<quote name="Brad Jorsch" date="2013-05-06" time="15:32:19 -0400">
> One other plan that was discussed in February, if I recall, was
> something like this:
> week0, Thursday: Deploy wmf1 to test and mw.org
> week1, Monday: Deploy wmf1 to first-round wikis
> week1, Thursday: Deploy wmf1 to remaining wikis and wmf2 to test and mw.org.
> week2, Monday: Deploy wmf2 to first-round wikis
> week2, Thursday: Deploy wmf2 to remaining wikis and wmf3 to test and mw.org.
> etc.
> That has the advantage of preserving the separation of test+mw.org
> from the more user-focused wikis, as Sumana mentioned.

Yep, Robla's creating that sample calendar now.

My reasoning for removing that initial separation that may be faulty:

We're running automated and non-automated tests against betalabs, and
that has started producing results (bugs reported and fixed before it
was ever included in a wmfXX branch). Also, the majority of bugs that
are in the Highest/Immediate priority level (from my gut assessment, I
don't have the data here) are found after a deploy to non-WP projects.

Thus, in a way, the non-WP projects really are our betatesters in all
practicalities. That's my opinion at least. I'll work with Andre to get
some numbers on this, if we can (date blocker bugs reported against our
historic deploy calendar).

I'm pretty sure this email will have a mid-air collision with Robla and
his writeup of the proposal you outlined, Brad.


| Greg Grossmeier            GPG: B2FA 27B1 F7EB D327 6B8E |
| identi.ca: @greg                A18D 1138 8E47 FAC8 1C7D |

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