On Wed, 05 Jun 2013 06:42:52 -0700, Brad Jorsch <bjor...@wikimedia.org> wrote:

On Jun 5, 2013 3:48 AM, "Daniel Friesen" <dan...@nadir-seen-fire.com> wrote:
There's nothing wrong with having a large list of fine-grained rights to
grant as long as you format them properly for the user.

In other words, implement another rights-grouping system just as
complicated and less clear than the approach currently proposed.

Sorry but I don't see how adding some rules to format existing rights is as complicated as basically re-implementing the entire permissions system.

You'll need:
* A list of rights to omit and just automatically grant (minoredit, etc...).
* A map of rights naming what group they belong to.
* A rule to remove read from the list when the wiki is public and a hook to let extensions do similar with their rights. * A map showing how to combine multiple rights into one key eg: `'editcreateall' => array( 'edit', 'createpage', 'createtalk' )` or perhaps instead a method and hook. * And some new i18n text for the rights and new keys (frankly it's good to re-do the i18n anyways, a grant page is best with more informative text like "Edit existing content as me" or "under my name", etc... rather than blindly repeating the right's normal i18n like "Edit pages (edit)")

So that's basically a flat configuration array, a key->value configuration array, a few lines of code with a hook, a tiny bit more code or an array, and some new entries to MessagesEn.php.

~Daniel Friesen (Dantman, Nadir-Seen-Fire) [http://danielfriesen.name/]

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