>Frankly I think we should try automating stuff towards our wiki rather than 
>using it as a way to
>take stuff out. Find ways to integrate this data automatically into parts of 
>the wiki. Bots if you
>ABSOLUTELY need to. But preferably instead extensions and Lua stuff. Things 
>that provide the
>data in ways they can be incorporated into wiki pages. Keep wiki pages up to 
>date. Show full
>UIs, etc... on special pages and dedicated namespaces. And ideally, be 
>integrated right into
>the search.

I agree 100%. It would be cool if we had a bot auto-update part of
those page (While still allowing users to add info and tips). Maybe
even some sort of parser function to retrieve documentation...

Both Manual:Hooks/foo and all the $wgFoo pages can definitely benefit
from some automation. (Even cooler, would be if we could have
something like Special:Documentation/Linker::link (Before anyone
balks, :: is allowed in special page subpage name), which retrieved
the info from doxygen for that page, as an alternative way to view the


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