The lack of secure login on WMF wikis is a *major security issue*, and
AFAIK is the biggest publicly known security issue in the site. All you
need is some random checkuser to be using Wikipedia at a Starbucks, and all
of a sudden the privacy policy of every single registered user is violated.
There's big talk all around about "evading the NSA" and attempting to
protect the privacy of our users, but it is literally impossible to protect
users' privacy if we can't even protect their security in the first place.
To re-iterate, privacy depends on security, and right now we have neither
of them.

Furthermore, secure login is not a new idea. I've been fighting to get this
feature enabled since October 2012 when the secure login functionality in
MW core was finally fixed. Since then, HTTPS login has been deployed
*twice*, but reverted once due to a bug with CentralAuth and once due the
design team concerned about the login form. This will be the third attempt
at deploying this in the past six months, so I don't know why this
discussion had to start right now.

In the end, what we're doing is allowing the Chinese government to
manipulate the WMF into degrading the security of its entire userbase, and
I don't think that's acceptable. There are 100 times as many active users
on enwiki than there are zhwiki, and that's assuming *all* active users on
zhwiki also edit enwiki, which is probably not true.

*-- *
*Tyler Romeo*
Stevens Institute of Technology, Class of 2016
Major in Computer Science |

On Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 6:10 PM, Derk-Jan Hartman <> wrote:

> On 20 aug. 2013, at 23:21, Bartosz Dziewoński <> wrote:
> > On Tue, 20 Aug 2013 23:19:22 +0200, MZMcBride <> wrote:
> >
> >> If we change all sites to require HTTPS for
> >> logged-in users, we'll certainly increase site security and enhance the
> >> user experience for most users, but is that worth losing every
> >> contributor who lives in China? Or do we expect anyone
> >> blocked from HTTPS to simply edit without an account?
> >> I think the concern here is that some projects may be decimated (in
> terms
> >> of number of contributors) if HTTPS is forced for all users.
> >
> > I think that zh and fa wikis are "exempt". The concernseems to be about
> contributors from affected countries editing other wikis, such as Commons
> or Wikidata.
> Can I just say that IF there is still this much discussion and confusion
> going on even at the level of the developers, that I feel really
> uncomfortable with this being deployed in the next 24hours.
> This all just feels way too rough. And it smells like this is gonna create
> yet another deploy shitstorm within the communities. I wouldn't like to be
> in the shoes of the liaisons and ambassadors tomorrow....
> DJ
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