On 23 August 2013 19:40, Marc A. Pelletier <m...@uberbox.org> wrote:

> On 08/23/2013 07:35 PM, Marc A. Pelletier wrote:
> > Would you care to share with whom that offline discussion
> > is happening?
> ... and, more importantly, /why/ is that discussion taking place offline
> in the first place?
As you and others may realise by now, I'm possibly the least technically
knowledgeable person who comments on this list. There's a limit as to how
often I feel the need to expose my limited knowledge to the immortal glare
of this mailing list. I had some questions which I sent to Chris Stiepp
(with whom I have worked in the past) and James Alexander (who is working
with Chris on reviewing technical and other processes related to advanced
permissions).  Seems my thoughts weren't completely stupid, and I've been
advised they're being discussed further internally at WMF.  I have no
reason to doubt that is true, and from the first post in this thread it is
clear that Chris is actively involved in the entire HTTPS/ secure login
action plan.

It's a big Engineering Department, so I wouldn't expect that everyone knows
what everyone else is doing all the time; nor would I expect that every
discussion about security issues and solutions would necessarily take place
on this mailing list, or even on a public mailing list.

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