On Tue, Oct 1, 2013 at 9:46 AM, Christopher Wilson <gwsuper...@gmail.com>wrote:

> I'm usually just an observer on these lists, but I'll weigh in as a user
> who runs MediaWiki on a shared host. The host *is* a VPS, but our wiki is
> used by the environmental department of a large international non-profit.
> As such it lives on the "enviro" server along with some WordPress sites and
> other minor things.
> If we have to give the wiki its own dedicated VPS, it will likely not
> survive, or we will move to another platform. I see some REALLY low costs
> for VPSes being tossed around here, but honestly, we'd probably be looking
> at a minimum of $50/month to give the site its own dedicated VPS. I realize
> that in the grand scheme of things, that's not a huge cost, but at that
> point, management will probably insist on making the site pay for itself
> rather than the current situation of letting it exist on shared resources.
As long as you're getting the performance you need from your wiki I
wouldn't see any reason to worry. What we're talking about here is
truly shared hosting, where you've got maybe FTP access and a
single mysql database at your disposal.

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