On Fri, Oct 4, 2013 at 9:34 AM, Brion Vibber <bvib...@wikimedia.org> wrote:
> Can someone summarize this thread? As far as I can tell someone has invented
> a requirement that all features be blessed by the WMF Features team, and I'm
> pretty sure that can't be right. Can it?

Of course not. I think Terry's mostly concerned that there's clear
ownership and maintainership for a new extension going forward, and
that it's properly reviewed before it goes out the door. He's
overstating, but he's coming from a reasonable place of caution.

I like the checklist process in
https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Review_queue (irrespective of the exact
steps) because it is agnostic as to who does the work required to get
something out the door. That said, it's a given that WMF does get the
blame when things go wrong, especially on a large scale, and as
operator of the sites we do have a role in making sure we're not
causing harm, incurring unreasonable technical debt, or going against
WMF's goals.

As for MassMessage, I looked at and played with it and there were
definitely issues with just pushing it out the door. As originally
planned, it would enable any admin anywhere to post bulk messages to
any wiki from any other wiki using a bot account created by the
extension. This raises policy and auditing questions beyond what
EdwardsBot is doing. There's consensus for a simpler deployment to
start with, with Meta acting as a place for coordinating cross-wiki
messages. That seems reasonable to me, and I definitely look forward
to seeing how well this works in practice.

Erik Möller
VP of Engineering and Product Development, Wikimedia Foundation

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