On 11/06/2013 05:50 AM, Ori Livneh wrote:
What you are proposing is that we determine who is infallible and
benevolent, so we can style them dictators for life. This kind of
wide-eyed earnestness about the term "architecture" is very dangerous.
It misses the essential irony, and in so doing it risks transforming
an institution which satirizes (and thus curbs) inscrutable authority
with one that enshrines it.

We don't have any benevolent dictators for life in MediaWiki currently. The three architects don't really fit that term.

They do have the final call on whether an RFC should be done (which as you say is good, both because they have experience, and because sometimes we just have to choose without endless discussion). However, other important community decisions (most notably +2 rights) are made by the broader community of developers.

I don't see anyone saying we need a BDFL currently, or that architects are infallible.

As far as what we should do, I think the status quo is okay for now. It's worth thinking about making more people architects (or replacing a slot if one of the current ones leaves), but it's not currently urgent.

Matt Flaschen

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