On Wed, Nov 6, 2013 at 7:13 AM, Brion Vibber <bvib...@wikimedia.org> wrote:

> My brief thoughts:
> * It makes sense to have a handful of folks as a core review & planning
> group.

> * However, I would consider avoiding using the term "Architect" for its
> members as it's easily conflated with existing WMF job titles. I think job
> titles are pretty unreliable indicators at the best of times, and of course
> can be wildly inconsistent across companies.

> * I've got no particular patience for over-formal community processes like
> Wikipedia adminship voting, nor interest in replicating those processes.
A million times this.

> While there are plenty of problems with the traditional FOSS concept of
> "meritocracy", I still have great affection for the "do-it-ocracy" notion
> that folks who actually get stuff done should be recognized as fulfilling
> the roles they are performing.
People who do things are more valuable than people who only
voice armchair opinions :)

> As such, I'd recommend a slightly more formal role for additional "lead
> reviewers" or "module owners" in the code review & RFC processes; not as
> *gatekeepers* so much as to provide a next-step for getting something
> moving that's stalled -- a potential contributor or a team within WMF
> working on a feature should be able to easily determine who to talk to
> about getting a go/no-go or advice on what to do in case of a no-go.
> (For comparison, I occasionally write patches for Firefox and Firefox OS;
> they have a *really full* bug tracker and your only hope of getting a patch
> reviewed is to actually request review from a particular person. A list of
> module owners like <https://wiki.mozilla.org/Modules/FirefoxOS> is a
> lifesaver for a casual contributor who doesn't know everybody on the
> Mozilla teams.)

So yeah, I think that's the idea behind the "Maintainers" page
<https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Developers/Maintainers>. It could be more
complete. And finding a way to involve these stakeholders in the RFC process
could certainly be beneficial.

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