
Time Required to Exhaustively Search this Password's Space:

Online Attack Scenario:
5.04 thousand trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion
trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion centuries
Offline Fast Attack Scenario:
50.42 million trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion
trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion centuries
Massive Cracking Array Scenario:
50.42 thousand trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion
trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion centuries

Now just remember that password.

On Tue, Feb 4, 2014 at 10:18 AM, Martijn Hoekstra
<martijnhoeks...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sun, Jan 26, 2014 at 9:49 AM, Gryllida <gryll...@fastmail.fm> wrote:
>> On Sun, 26 Jan 2014, at 0:02, rupert THURNER wrote:
>> > for the password policy: display a strength indicator is great. anything
>> > more? i would say just leave it to the user.
>> >
>> > rupert.
>> THANK YOU. My thoughts exactly. :-)
>> Everyone who has a thought should write it on-wiki for these people to
>> hear you without manually scanning a mailing list. Thanks.
>>   gry
> I once saw a "can be brute forced on commodity hardware in x" field instead
> of an abstract "strength" field - but phrased less techy. I liked that.
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