Argh! Thanks Pavel :)

On Mon, Feb 10, 2014 at 7:46 PM, Pavel Astakhov <> wrote:

> aren't you lost this links? :-)
> 1
> 2
> 11.02.2014 06:13, Arthur Richards пишет:
>  A few of us have been discussing how awesome it would be to use
>> MediaWiki-Vagrant[1] to create a portable production-like environment.
>> This
>> would give Mediawiki engineers a common ground from which to develop core
>> code and/or extensions, and by coming close to mimicking Wikimedia's
>> production environment, would hopefully reduce the amount of friction
>> around getting features out to production. Also, this is something that we
>> would be able to pre-package this for new engineers - imagine handing a
>> new
>> MediaWiki engineer a USB stick with an up-to-date MediaWiki-Vagrant
>> instance that closely mimics production at say, a future hackathon.
>> We started chatting about what it would take to get us there, and
>> identified some initial steps that we'd like to tackle at the Zürich
>> Hackathon - namely, turning a few puppetized production services into
>> roles
>> that we could use in MediaWiki-Vagrant.
>> We've created a corresponding 'topic' on the Hackathon's topic page[2] to
>> describe what we'd like to achieve at the Hackathon. Please review,
>> comment, and certainly add yourself as an 'interested person' if this
>> catches your fancy and you plan to attend the hackathon.
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Arthur Richards
Software Engineer, Mobile
IRC: awjr
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